0800 123 456
We are an international outreach organisation seeking to deliver small acts of UNCONDITIONAL kindness to those who need practical and meaningful assistance, when faced with life's difficult circumstances. A little 'purity' when least expected can sometimes have a big impact on the lives of individuals and families.
For those who ust need a re-assuring conversation.
Providing unconditional acts of kindness to those in difficulty.
How often do you pass-by another human being without a thought about why they might be sitting on a town bench wrapped in a blanket, or why they are burying their heads in their hands?
All to often, we are too busy to stop and answer these questions; doing so is simply an unproductive use of our time. Purity international seeks to encourage others to act, through small gestures of unconditional kindness.
Most of us at sometime in our lives will be faced with undesired outcomes. There are so many reasons why we can find ourselves 'off track' - caught between a rock and a hard place. Many of us will not act until it gets to an even worse place.
it doesn't need to happen - A simple connection can very often make all the difference. Simply pick up the phone, or reach out by e-mail, and let us explore the alternatives!
The founders here at Purity International believe that in 'little ways' each one of us can make a difference to people's lives. The little acts of kindness can be the glue which holds together society's social responsibility. When these characteristics, or ways of living become insignificant, we become uncaring and selfish individuals, losing all sense of our moral obligations to others
We believe that to make lasting change is to change the way we habitually do things. Doing some act of kindness to another human being can have a positive influence on the people around us.
If you want to get involved, or simply if you wish to find out more; then please complete the 'Get Involved' section within our website - More Here
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Let us know.